What is a Prescribed Body Corporate?
A Prescribed Body Corporate is the corporation that is responsible for managing, protecting and enhancing the native title rights and interest of a group once there has been a determination of native title.
After the Federal Court recognises native title, the native title holders need to have an Aboriginal corporation. This is called a Prescribed Body Corporate or a PBC. A PBC is responsible for managing and protecting native title rights and interests for all native title holders and must make sure the right people are consulted about activities on their country.
The KLC recognises that the role of Native Title Representative Bodies is changing with the emergence of PBCs and as more and more native title claims are determined.
There has been a high level of demand for the KLC to provide assistance and support to native title holders through their PBCs in the post-determination environment.
In theory, the PBC is supposed to take over responsibility for all the functions and activities the regional Native Title Representative Body was doing on its behalf. However, in reality most PBCs cannot carry out those functions due to limited capacity and resourcing.
There are currently 18 registered PBCs in the Kimberley, all at various stages of development.
How does the KLC support PBCs?
The KLC supports PBCs to become independent and successful organisations. The KLC does not make decisions for PBCs and will only provide support at the request of the PBC.
The KLC can provide support to Kimberley native title holders through their PBCs in the form of:
Legal advice about native title and PBC rules
Governance support and training
Support to organise meetings
Help setting up ranger groups
Help with caring for country activities