A Message From The KLC

As the sun rises on yet another January 26, now, more than ever, we invite Australia to think about the future we want to move towards. 

There is much at stake.

We have an opportunity to continue hard-won progress, or lose so much of what our Old People have fought for. 

Globally we see leaders and billionaires presenting a world where equality is an unsustainable burden and equity is an outcome to be sacrificed.

Australia, we must not go down this path.

We are at a critical time in this country’s future. Power is concentrated in the hands of a few, and with those who favour their fortune over our future.

In the lead up to state and national elections we see Indigenous issues weaponised, our people and our flag demonised for political gain. 

All the while our nation is going backwards on key closing the gap targets, incarceration rates are increasing, our cultural heritage remains under threat and racism is on the rise.

We call on all Australians to consider how we want to shape this country, not only for this generation, but for the generations to come.

How can we uplift the nation so we can stand side by side, in the knowledge that we are better off together, that a future where we are all uplifted, is a future that is better for all.

When we walk hand in hand, we see incredible outcomes. From innovative clean energy projects, to the recognition of our traditional land management practices, the survival and revival of our languages in our schools, our young people standing strongly for our climate and our future, our leaders securing the support of the people to walk the halls of Parliament.

Australia has long prided itself on a bipartisan commitment to a future where every Australian has the same value and is supported to enjoy the same opportunities.

We must strengthen this commitment. We must keep moving forward.

Today, tomorrow and in the coming months we urge you to take action through conversations with family and friends ahead of the upcoming elections.

Amplify Indigenous and minority voices. Resist a future that repeats the failures of our past.

In a year of so much loss, we must stand as our Old People stood and speak as our Old People spoke.

We extend our open and unwavering hand in the belief that when everything is at stake, the only option is to do everything we can.


End of year ranger debrief